Release Party Goodness

So. Thursday was the official release of my book on Amazon, and thanks to several friends, the release party was incredible. So much fun. We had some great music, delicious coffee & desserts, a reverse book signing (where everyone signed my book), a couple of readings, and even a Garth Brooks sing-a-long! It was such a blast.

If you want to see more pictures, click here! (And while you’re there you can “Like” the FB page for me…)

After the party, I pretty much collapsed into a sleep coma for the weekend. And currently I’ve been at home for 2 days with strep throat, so I think my body must be trying to tell me something.

Anyways, it’s been amazing–so much fun to finally be at this part of the process where people can actually read it and we can talk about it. I’ve already had a couple of really cool conversations and I’m very excited for more.

Well, I’m gonna get back to resting for a while, and try my best not to drown in my own snot. You be good, okay?

And if you wanted to check it out but haven’t yet, you can find the book on Amazon here. $9.99 for the paperback and $2.99 for the Kindle version.

That’s all for now, friends. Peace and love.

6 thoughts on “Release Party Goodness”

  1. I’m reading your book now. I’m about half way through it and it is so good that I don’t want it to end. Sure hope this isn’t the last book from you.

  2. I’m reading your book now. I’m about half way through it and it is so good that I don’t want it to end. Sure hope this isn’t the last book from you.

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