Have you ever thought about saying grace over our meals? In essence, we are thanking God for His provision for us. I’ve been thinking recently, however, that I’m not sure that I have ever, in one of these prayers, completely realized that I needed God to give me food. At a surface level, sure. But what I mean is a deep down, constant gut-level realization that if God doesn’t provide for me I am doomed. Because let’s face it: I’ve grown up a good ol’ American boy who has never missed a meal. It’s hard for me to see my neediness because my mind so quickly goes to “I’ve earned this–I worked hard and paid money for this food,” all the while under the banner of “Thank you God for this food.” I think neediness in general has become strangely foreign to us as Americans. This is bad news for us, because it places so many hindrances between us and a correct understanding of the Gospel.
Enter my friend Luis, once again. Allen and I were at his house tonight, and he was showing us some pretty amazing card tricks(He said he is going to do some at the next Midtown Family Vacation…yes!). He was proudly showing his room off to us when he opened up his refrigerator door. “Cool, you’ve got plenty of food,” Allen remarked.
“Thanks God,” Luis answered, raising his eyebrows as though he really meant it from his very core. Thank You God that there is food in my refrigerator. It wouldn’t be there without You.
I am humbled once more by my dear friend. I mean, seriously…how can my attitude be so inanely independent? Who has provided me a job in this economy to provide for my family but God? Who gives me my next breath? Health to be able to work? What about the miracle that our earth produces food that sustains us?
I’m pretty sure I am responsible for none of that.
My prayer right now is to become more aware of how profoundly needy and dependent on God I really am. To have a cleaner, more grateful heart and attitude. To walk in the proper light of humility at all times, and especially when I sit down at the table to eat.
So thanks, Luis, for yet another reminder. And thanks God.
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