My Favorite Video of 2012

Do you guys remember 2012? I know it is old news by now, but I found myself re-watching this today and remembered just how special it is.

I saw it one night in early December and watched it five times in a row, no lie. Reduced to a pile of tears, I had to nearly scrape myself out of my desk chair.

If you haven’t seen it yet, please. I can’t tell you how worth 6 minutes it is.

If you’ve seen it already, watch it again. It’ll do your 2013 heart good.


4 thoughts on “My Favorite Video of 2012”

  1. Just finished the book, it was great. Hopefully there will be more? Watched the adoption video. Isn’t that just what God did with us? Took us all broken and unwanted and made us a family! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much for reading Jodi Ann, that’s very encouraging. I hope there will be more books in the near future, thanks for asking.

      Yes that is exactly what God did for us! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Fabulous video. My Facebook picture has my adopted daughter sharing it with me. My wife and I adopted her when she was 22 months and she is 17 now. My thoughts and prayers go with you as you go through the process of adoption. Isn’t it great that our Father has adopted us? God bless, Vic Zarley

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