What Marriage Is Really Like

If you have read my blog before, you know that I ADORE my wife and I love my marriage. But it’s funny sometimes when I talk to single people and they talk about marriage like it’s some weird, foggy reality that can’t be described. I tell them that the most overlooked part of marriage that will help them picture it is this: a lifelong roomate.

So, in light of that, here’s something funny that happened last night that I thought was a telling moment to help paint the part of marriage that can’t really be described:

I climb into bed around 1:20 am, and Kristi has been asleep for a while. I notice that she is chewing gum in her sleep and I sigh. I turn on the lamp, and she gets those squinty, confused eyes.

I lean over to her and put my hand in front of her mouth. “Kristi…Kristi…give me your gum.”

“What?” she says, still coming to.

“Give me your gum,” I repeat. She’s still trying to figure out if she’s dreaming.

“No,” she says, turning away from me.

“Come on, give me your gum,” I say again. “I don’t want you to choke on it.”

“No,” she says, a little more emphatically this time. “I’m a grown woman. I can chew gum while I sleep if I want to.”

“You’re not supposed to chew gum while you sleep. It’s against the rules.”

“Whatever,” she says, still chomping on her gum, which I’m sure is NASTY by now.

I laugh at her, turn off the lamp, pat her on the leg and scoot close to her to get warm.

That, my friends, is what marriage is really like.






What about you? Do you have any funny/unconventional stories of what marriage is really like? Please share below if so!

38 thoughts on “What Marriage Is Really Like”

  1. Stephen Gonzalez

    I will say I love your blog Brandon, hearing you share just average everyday life in marriage and enjoy it helps me see the beauty in my marriage. I love it!!! thanks

    1. That’s awesome Stephen…so glad to hear that. It is a beautiful thing, everyday life.

      Brandon Clements
      Care and Recovery Pastor at Midtown Fellowship
      Author of *Every Bush Is Burning* Find Me [image: WordPress] [image: Facebook] [image:
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