new around here?

So. I’m not real sure how it happened, but somehow yesterday a bunch of people (meaning: a lot more than usual) ended up here. Mainly at a post I wrote almost a year ago called Let Him Sing. I believe that even more strongly than when I wrote it last year, so I am glad more people found it and I hope God uses it to free some chains.

I’m not sure if any of those new people are sticking around, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Mainly because, if I am going to keep writing on this thing-a-ma-jig, I want to build some sense of community (at least as much as you can have on a blog) and not just talk to the Great Wall of the Interweb. So if you’re new and sticking around, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment and introduce yourself. Maybe tell where you live or what your favorite kind of ice cream is, or, you know, just anything random or awesome.

And Kristi, Mom, and Uncle Jerry, I love ya’ll too even though you’re not new:)

Just kidding. I don’t have an Uncle Jerry and I’m pretty sure my Mom doesn’t know I have a blog.


56 thoughts on “new around here?”

  1. Hey Man I am not new but I did want to say that I enjoy your posts so keep up the good work. Love you man!

  2. You do have an uncle Jerry because you are married to me and I have an uncle Jerry. Just fyi 🙂

  3. Love your blog. Always have. Your wife is my favorite. And I've been called Melly Fresh for so long that I forget my name is really Melissa some times.

  4. your beautiful wife, whom i love a lot, was terrified of me when we first met. i like to think i've grown since then.

  5. Lauren Solomon

    may or may not have sent that post to a bunch of girls that i'm living life with right now. thanks for being sensitive to the Spirit's leading and writing that beautiful truth. it has been so encouraging to so many people..including myself

  6. I'm not really new… but I am one of the creepers that has your blog on my RSS feed-reel, so I figured I should out myself just in case. I love Cold Stone's sweet cream with choc chips, strawberries and blueberries. Keep writing!

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  43. well i’m finding this two years after it was posted because i only just caught onto your blog after i read your book, but since i plan on sticking around…hi! i live in lexington, but i go to CIU so i really live there most of the time, and ice cream in general is my favorite food group but cookies and cream is my favorite kind. 🙂

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