they are not kidding

About March madness.  The month that is, not the basketball tournament.  This month has been absolutely ridiculous.  Crazy.  Tough.  Overwhelming.  Good…at times.  I feel overwhelmed and behind still, and a little numb.  So much has happened…God has taught me so much.  I would be lying to you, however, if I told you I wasn’t looking forward to March being over, in hope that April will be a little more…um, sane.

April…it’s April already?  I’ve got to get one of those remote controls that Adam Sandler had in that movie…

First and foremost, please continue to pray for my friends Allen and Courtney.  There are simply no words to describe what the month of March has thrown at them.  Sometimes reality dreams up stuff that even nightmares are afraid to mention, and this has been true for them…for sure.  I am constantly amazed at how good God is through all of this though–how He is holding them in His hands and how their unbelievable faith is showing the world that God is enough, no matter what happens.  It is a humbling and awe-inspiring thing to see, no doubt–I consider it a sheer honor to get to walk through life with them.  They have a very long road ahead of them still, so keep praying, loving, and mourning with them.  I love those two people so very much.

The trip to DC for Spring Break was…amazing.  I don’t think there is another way to put it.  Jay and the lead team did a phenomenal job putting everything together, and God did so much work in all of our lives…so very cool to see.  God taught and convicted me of so much while on that trip, and I am so thankful for that.  Tough stuff–like making ministry into an idol, and probing the depths of my self-centeredness.  Oh, to not forget!  My prayer is to be able to forget myself–to be free from this consuming pit of me that is never satisfied when I make myself the focus.  How freeing it would be to be rid of selfishness and pride.  Pray that I’ll continue to let the Holy Spirit put that sin to death in me.

I am behind on everything right now.  Midtown stuff.  Personal to-do’s.  Everything.  My Google Reader is at 614 unread posts.  That is insane!  I hate being behind so much…hopefully I can get caught up by April!

I love the guys in my Lifegroup.  I really, really, really do.  I am so blessed to have such deep, Godly relationships surrounding me.  I don’t want to take that for granted.  Thanks Jesus, so much for them.

Softball has started up with some guys from Midtown, and I am so pumped about it!  We had our first scrimmage last night and we crushed this team…oh it’s gonna be a fun season.

When I think about it, I am so blessed to have Kristi as my wife that I feel guilty sometimes.  Its just nuts.  I love that girl so very much.  I just adore everything about her, and I thoroughly enjoy every minute I get to spend with her.  One of my favorite things in the world is when she dances, what she calls a “jig” for me.  It cracks me up and makes me want to hug her at the same time.  You should have seen her the other night in the car at Sonic…hilarious.  I’m gonna have to catch one on video one day and share it on the world wide interweb…

That’s all the random thoughts I have for now.  March–I’m done with you.  I am officially considering the next week “April Fool’s Week.”  Feel free to join me in the early end of March…you can play all the practical jokes on me you want.  I will do nothing but smile and be glad that March is no more!

34 responses to “they are not kidding”

  1. nicholascharles Avatar

    you are a good mna

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