dustin’s first sermon!

I really can’t believe this. Some how, some way, out of the halls of time this video emerged. What is it, you ask? None other than the very first sermon ever given by my friend, my Pastor, Dustin Willis. Talk about coming out of your mother’s womb preaching! Enjoy…


**Also, an update on the last post–don’t you hate it when someone gets mad and yanks their video off of YouTube? Well, unfortunately for them, once something is put out onto the world wide interweb, well…its kind of hard to be contained. Things like this video just have the tendency to pop up again somehow….if you’re up for a good 3 minutes of cringing and laughing.**

10 thoughts on “dustin’s first sermon!”

  1. I guess you'll just have to ask D-man himself…

    Come on Bailey…you really think video cameras existed back in 1960 when Dustin was that age?

    I wish it was for real though…that would be hilarious!

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