
On different sides of the same church sign, right here in downtown Columbia:

“Exposure to the Son prevents burning”

“This church is prayer-conditioned”

For real? Is somebody somewhere getting paid to sit around and think up crap like this? If so, he needs to be fired.

38 thoughts on “fired”

  1. today i drove by a church sign that said, "Jesus doesn't love religious nuts. He's attracted to the fruit of the spirit."

    Okay, church. you have one split-second to tell the unchurched, driving world one message about Christ's love and you pick THAT?

    If we ever get a church building of our own at midtown, let's make the suggestion that we never have stuff like that.

  2. I want one of the flashing, really bring, annoying signs. Maybe then we can play video on it. If so- Thriller Dance. That will get people in the door for sure.

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