
You know that invaluable lesson that you learned way back when about backing up everything on computers?

I guess I forgot that lesson over time after I made the switch to the seemingly indestructible world of Mac about  a year and a half ago.

Last night my hard drive crashed and I’m pretty sure everything I have written or worked on in the past year is now dust in the wind.  I feel like I may literally be sick.

42 thoughts on “sick”

  1. Go here:
    and download the Desktop Edition version 8.04, 32-bit edition. Burn it to a CD.

    Next, boot from CD (call me if you need help with that) and start the Live Version (should be a few options down, do not go to full install).

    It will boot up into a desktop. At the top there should be a toolbar. Click on Places > Computer.

    There is a decent chance, depending on where the disk error is, that it will recognize your hard drive and be able to access the files on it. If it works you can copy files to a flash drive or burn a CD.

  2. dude. plug your computer with a firewire cable in to someone else's mac. then hold T will you turn yours own. Boots your computer as a flash drive (basically) and allows you to access all your stuff (hopefully).

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