i’m hooked

For about a month now, my beautiful wife has been trying to get me to listen to Francis Chan’s series on the Holy Spirit. However, I didn’t get around to it until one of the messages became homework for Ground Attack team this week. I have to admit that I’m hooked. I believe I am on the third one already, and I feel like I am learning a lot about the Holy Spirit and just being blown away by realizing how little attention the American church has traditionally given the Spirit, including myself. Francis Chan is incredible, and I think I like him even more because his voice sounds a lot like Owen Wilson’s. I may have found my own Matt Chandler…(wink for Bailey and Luda). Anyways, the series is lots of really solid stuff…you should check it out sometime. Also, if you have a minute watch this short, challenging clip of Francis speaking at Catalyst this past year.


One response to “i’m hooked”

  1. Good message. Thanks for posting this Klash.

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